Thursday, September 8, 2016

Race: An Ongoing Issue in the Modern U.S.

In my history class, we were asked to evaluate and analyze an article that describes a theme in American history. I have chosen to write about racism- more specifically, about the top (fairly recent) news events that has brought up the idea of racism in America. I chose this article because racism is an ongoing issue that our country has been faced with for many years. I think it is a relevant theme when talking about modern issues and american history.

This article explains how the use of social media apps, like Twitter, have been a useful tool when calculating racism in America. The article shows a diagram that explains statistics about which racist events have been tweeted about the most. This article then goes into racist events that has occurred in America within the last few years. Some of these events include, the Charleston church shooting and the deaths of Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland. The author doesn't express much of an opinion; however, his writing shows that he is against the racist outbursts that he explains. I agree with him. He depicts the events that have occurred in a way that shows that he is astonished and disappointed. He emphasizes that race is an ongoing issue and he infers that this problem needs to be addressed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your statement, it explains a lot about today and even in the past. It shows that racism is still an important issue to our society, and I liked how you use some events that explains there is racism. What got you to write about race? And do you think it will still exists in the future?
